I had my cerclage Wednesday.
It is a very good thing that we did. I was already fingertip dilated, so I think we have definitely confirmed an incompetent cervix. Scary, but we did the only known cure for it and preventative cerclages have a 80-90% success rate.
The Dr didn't seem too concerned about the dilation, and I AM NOT ON BEDREST! Whoooo hooooooooooooooooo! I cannot lift over 10 lbs. I should limit walking up and down stairs, limit vacuuming and just not push my body to do anything.
I am still a little crampy and my back hurts where they put the spinal in, but overall, I feel pretty good.
I spent almost 5 hours in recovery. It look forever to get feeling back in my feet, and then I couldn't go to the toilet. I sat there for a 1/2 hr...there just wasn't enough feeling back down there, but I was cramping HORRIBLY from the bladder pressure. Seriously almost as bad as contractions...
They gave me peppermint to smell (I guess that is suppose to help) and I relaxed for another 45 minutes in a chair, and I could feel some sensation coming back....I went back in...and it started almost immediately. If I didn't go soon, they were going to cath me and I would not have been able to go home until the next day. Once I peed...they took out the IV and I was free to go.....
So, I am back and I hope the two stitches they put in my cervix will keep the two babies in there for a long long time.
I did get to see the babies TWICE that day. They checked on them quickly before the surgery and then again afterward. We couldn't measure the heartbeat on baby A again because he/she was moving around again like a crazy child.